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Avoid Derailing Your Own Career: A Q&A With Carter Cast

In 1995, Carter Cast had risen to the title of senior product manager at Frito-Lay Inc. when the carpet was abruptly pulled from under his senior management–ready feet. Blindsided with the worst performance review he had ever received, Cast’s nine-year career was derailed with the descriptors “uncooperative,” “resistant,”...
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Here’s how women can resume career after a break

When Vinutha Menon decided to take a break from work to have her baby, she vowed to be back soon. But she didn’t realise how overwhelming motherhood could be. Although she had every intention to get back to work, before she could do so, she got pregnant with...
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5 Ways Volunteering Can Enhance Your Career

Shutterstock In the 2016 Millennial Impact Report, over 77% of Millennials said they would be more likely to volunteer if they could leverage a specific skill or expertise to benefit a cause. But what if I told you that by volunteering, you can gain vital skills to take your...
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