BHU Admit Card 2020: How To Download The Admit Cards For The Upcoming Exam

bhu admit card 2020

Banaras Hindu University, also known as BHU, will soon be conducting its online examination according to reports. Located in UP, it is one of the largest universities in Asia. Read on to know more about the admit card for BHU examination 2020:

BHU UET 2020 Admit Card download

BHU UET 2020 Admit Card will be available on the official site of Banaras Hindu University. The exam will be conducted for the post of undergraduate applicants according to reports. The BHU entrance test will be conducted in the month of May 2020 shortly after the Banaras Hindu University’s admit cards are made available to the applicants.

Here’s how to download the BHU UET May 2020 Admit cards:

  1. First one needs to go to the official site of BHU:
  2. Then the candidates must click on a link that says BHU UET 2020 Admit Card.
  3. After this step, a tab will appear where the candidate must enter his or her credentials, which include his/ her name and the registration number received during the initial stages of application.
  4. Enter the credentials candidate’s name and registration number here for the further proceedings.
  5. Then one must click on the ‘Search’ button.
  6. After this, the desired Admit Card for May 2020 exam will be displayed on the computer screen.
  7. Click on the options tab that says “download admit card “.
  8. A PDF format of the admit card will appear in from on the candidate.
  9. Click on the print option and save a soft copy for emergency purposes.

About the BHU entrance exam 2020

Banaras Hindu University conducts Undergraduate Entrance Test each year for various undergraduate courses that are provided in the university itself, as well as in the colleges affiliated with BHU. The exam, which takes place at a University level, has reportedly, has several seats to offer each year according to reports. The examination is conducted in a PBT manner, which means that it will be a paper-based exam.

It will also be a Computer-based exam. BHU PET is for students who are looking for admission in postgraduate programs in several fields that includes arts, commerce, social sciences, environment, and agriculture, reportedly. The exam has been post-ponded for now due to the coronavirus outbreak and the dates will soon be announced on the official site of BHU.

source: republicworld

Loknath Das

Loknath Das

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