How to Overcome the Challenges of Distance Learning

How to Overcome the Challenges of Distance Learning - HERO IMAGE

We are currently in the fourth industrial revolution of high technology and a fast-paced digital era, but there are still challenges of distance learning to resolveThe impact is no longer just on the students, but the instructors at hand as well. Many teachers are faced with challenges and issues which they have not foreseen before. Although students of this century are born digital natives and many skilled instructors are fairly trained in online platforms, the difficulty of the “distance” can still propose multiple challenges. 

Many institutions are turning towards distance learning as an alternative teaching method as either a supplement to regular classes or as an emergency backup plan in case of a crisis. And while distance education tools are better than ever, there are still significant challenges to adopting remote learning techniques and technologies. 

Luckily, with the correct pedagogy and digital tools like a virtual classroom, it is possible to overcome the challenges of distance learning.

Want to learn more about the importance of distance learning? Visit here: What is Distance Learning?

Challenges of Distance Learning - two kids on tablet

What Are the Challenges of Distance Learning?

Impact of Physical Distance with Students

Education in the physical classroom versus in the online classroom has disparities in outcome. Teachers may experience a hard time expressing instructional content to their pupils, especially long and complex assignments or assessments. The physical distance also proposed a difficulty in obtaining students’ level of understanding in terms of course content. Since instructional content are not responded to immediately, instructors may have a hard time knowing whether the class is too challenging or too easy for students.  

Educator feedback suggests that the incidental opportunities” for communication that exist in a face to face class setting do not occur in an online classWith the delay in feedback, communication via technology can occur as an obstacle in gauging student learning.  

Challenges of Distance Learning - girl on headphones

Correct Assessment of Students’ Work

Since communication is asynchronous, expectations in student performance may also differ between student and teacher. Grading online assignments may entirely be based on subjective assessment of effort and artistry. Although such assessment is similar in face-to-face classrooms, the difficulty comes from delivering the required expectations and standards for each task.  

Additionally, online assessments are most likely open book and are subject to the possibility of cheating whilst absent of a proctor. While students may celebrate the lack of homework, the lack of examination isn’t as exciting.

As one student commented*, from the coronavirus-related closure at the University of Washington in Seattle, “since the school has closed and changed to online courses, one of my finals was canceled. I was counting on the final to raise my grade of that course, but now I can’t anymore.”

Preventing lag in academic performance during distance learning would be a priority of avoidance, especially for instructors in accordance with concerned parents and students. The number one goal for institutions is to ensure that students are being assessed in their online classes similarly to their face to face classes 



Loknath Das

Loknath Das

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