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10 business classes you can take online for free

In 2018, the average salary for a recent business school graduate will be roughly $150,000, according to The Financial Times. While the payoffs for earning an MBA can be huge, cost and time can make it difficult to go back to school. Fortunately, there are thousands of free online...
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Can Career Ownership Be Family-Friendly?

What about family? It was briefly mentioned in previous articles as something to accommodate, and as part of your possible support system. Family commonly means any group of one or more adults with the children they care for, or it can be extended to mean a larger group involving parents, relatives and particular friends whom you view as family. Focus...
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Here’s how women can resume career after a break

When Vinutha Menon decided to take a break from work to have her baby, she vowed to be back soon. But she didn’t realise how overwhelming motherhood could be. Although she had every intention to get back to work, before she could do so, she got pregnant with...
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5 Ways Volunteering Can Enhance Your Career

Shutterstock In the 2016 Millennial Impact Report, over 77% of Millennials said they would be more likely to volunteer if they could leverage a specific skill or expertise to benefit a cause. But what if I told you that by volunteering, you can gain vital skills to take your...
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