ICAR admit card 2017: Download AIEEA hall ticket at icarexam.net

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ICAR admit card 2017: The AIEEA 2017 entrance examination admit cards have been released on May 31, 2017 on the official website mentioned below. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) will conduct the All India Entrance Examination for Admission (AIEEA) 2017 on June 10 and June 11. The results of all of three entrance tests will be announced by June 30, 2017 and the counselling is to be conducted afterwards in the month of July.

ICAR admit card 2017/hall tickets is available at — icarexam.net, not on the main website of the council (icar.org.in).

ICAR admit card 2017, here’s how to download
Visit the website mentioned above
At the website, login with the application number and password
Once displayed, take a print out

The admit card carries all necessary information regarding the exam centre and other details, therefore it is mandatory to carry your hall ticket with you on the test day along with an valid identity proof.

The test will be held on June 10 for UG and on June 11 for PG from 10 am to 12:30 pm. The question paper will have 60 MCQs from five subjects; Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Agriculture. Out of the total 300 questions of 5 sections, candidates will have to answer any 180 questions.

Each question carries 4 mark. 1 mark will be deducted on attempting the wrong answers.

The test for P.hD will be on 11th June with duration of 3 hours and timings will be 10 am to 1 pm.





Loknath Das

Loknath Das

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