SAIL CFP Admit Card 2015 – ACT / OCT (Trainee) Exam Hall Ticket

SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) Admit Card 2015 :-

Exam Date / परीक्षा की तारीख:

  • Soon.

Admit Card Availability / प्रवेश पत्र उपलब्धता :

  •  Available – उपलब्ध.

Department / विभाग :

  • Steel Authority of India Limited, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant (SAIL CFP).

The Department of Steel Authority of India Limited, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant (SAIL CFP) has released official notice for SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) Call letter 2015. Admit card is attainable for downloading and can be downloaded by the qualified to apply and Capable students from the official website. full announcement is to be see by the Interested candidates. Regarding the latest updates, change in exam date and downloading of SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) Admit Card 2015 have to be on a daily basis visited.


How to Download Admit Card for SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) Exam / प्रवेश पत्र  डाउनलोड करने की प्रक्रिया :

applicants can download the admit card for the exam of SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) 2015 by pursuing the down the page explained process.

  • Log on to the official website of Steel Authority of India Limited, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant.
  • On the home page of authorized web-site of SAIL CFP you will find the hyperlink to download the admit card, Press on it.
  • Fill all the applicable and proper particulars of the applicants in the download web form.
  • The candidates are required to keep the downloaded admit card secure up to the exam date and affirmation of result.
  • by the hyperlink given below the job seekers can download their admit card

Download Admit card for SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) Exam here

Links / वेबसाइट :

  • Official Website :

SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) Hall Ticket 2015 :-

Details / विवरण:

The department of SAIL CFP is conducting the exam for SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) as per the notification described above, the downloaded SAIL CFP Admit Card 2015 – ACT / OCT (Trainee) Exam Hall Ticketadmit card/hall ticket contains the venue and date of the exam. You are dictated to get your admit card/ hall ticket downloaded before the exam as only the applicants who possess the admit card will be allowed into the exam hall as per the announcement released by Steel Authority of India Limited, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant students are described to reach the examination center with their SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) 2015 admit card at least earlier than 30 mins. Hurry up and download it as soon as possible since the servers and official website might be down on the last day so doing it before hand will save you some problems. Download procedure is outlined above. students must bring a black/ blue ball point pen with them and also the other accessories while appearing in the examination of SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) conducted by Steel Authority of India Limited, Chandrapur Ferro Alloy Plant, Be sure to keep your admit card/hall ticket protected till the examination and the declaration of result. have provided all the official url and download button for your help. You must keep your downloaded admit card for SAIL CFP ACT / OCT (Trainee) Exam 2015 with you all time in case the invigilator asks you for that, also you are directed not to bring precious/high-priced/Expensive things such as jewelery/mobile phones/calculator(unless permitted) in the exam hall. We wish you best of luck for your exam.SAIL CFP Admit Card 2015 – ACT / OCT (Trainee) Exam Hall Ticket.


[Source:- Exampariksha]



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