SSC CISF 2017 Notice | Admit Card for Review Medical Exam (RME) Released by SSC


SSC CISF Examination conducted in 2017 has its medical test round for candidates. Releasing the Admit Cards for the ‘Review Medical Examination’ i.e. RME conducted by the SSC as a part of the CISF examination, the Commission has sent the same via registered post to the candidates. Medical Examination is held to conduct a fitness test for candidates aspiring for SSC CISF 2017 to get recruited into the prestigious posts offered in 2017 which are Sub-Inspector in Delhi Police/ CAPFs and Assistant Sub-Inspector in CISF examination, 2016.

SSC CISF Exam : Notification & Schedule 2017

Releasing the notification for SSC CISF 2016 examination to recruit candidates in various departments of Police at a Sub-Inspector level, the next round of medical examination has been scheduled for them. Candidates who seek their recruitment and employment opportunity via the SSC CISF examination of 2016 have to undergo an fitness test also called as the  ‘Review Medical Examination’ (RME) conducted by SSC as a competent and rigorous recruitment process to select the well deserved candidates for the aforementioned posts. The notification deals with declaration of ‘Review Medical Examination’ (RME) test date and schedule for the candidates who had taken the SSC CISF examination last year in 2016 whose medical exam would be conducted in the year 2017. The schedule of conducting the RME test by SSC shall commence from July 10, 2017 till July 27, 2017 for the above mentioned posts

SSC CISF Exam : Admit Card for RME out

The Admit Cards of various candidates who have to appear for the Review Medical Examination 2017 as a recruitment process of SSC CISF examination 2016 have been released in both the modes : Online as well as Offline. The Offline mode of the release of admit card deals with the SSCs move of dispatching them onto the addresses as mentioned by the candidates in SSC CISF Exam application form. Candidates shall get the same via registered post.

For those who do not receive the same, can download the provisional admit card which is going to be without signatures as a duplicate one making them eligible to appear for the Medical Test of the SSC CISF examination. The provisional admit card of those who did not receive the signed copy of the same via registered post can be downloaded from the official website of the Commission’s CISF section at easily available to download online from the same.

All the best folks!



Loknath Das

Loknath Das

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