Animal Kingdom: CBSE Class 11 NCERT Solution

Find the CBSE Class 11 Biology NCERT Solution for the Chapter- 4, Animal Kingdom. It has been framed keeping the Students’ perspective in mind. This will help the Students with easy and simple understanding of the concept and technique employed in solving as per the CBSE Marking Scheme.

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Few Sample Question from this Chapter are given below:

Q. What are the difficulties that you would face in classification of animals, if common fundamental features are not taken into account?

Ans. If common fundamental characteristics are not considered while classifying the animals, then segregating the animals in different groups will be a tuff task as in this case each organism will be placed in a separate group and the entire objective of classification would not be achieved. Classification of animals helps us in comparing different organisms and judging their individual evolutionary significance. So, the whole purpose of classification of animals cannot be achieved by merely considering a single characteristic of animals.

Q. If you are given a specimen, what are the steps that you would follow to classify it?

Ans. If I am given an animal specimen, then I will classify it on the basis of certain common fundamental features by following the steps given below:

(i) In the first step look for the presence or absence of vertebral column.

(ii) In the second step identify the level of organization.

(iii) In the third step look for the body symmetry, i.e., if the animal body is radial or bilateral or asymmetrical.

(iv) Final step is to look for the presence or absence of body cavity.

Q. What is the difference between direct and indirect development?

Ans. Differences between direct and indirect development:

(i) Direct development: When the life cycle of an adult individual lacks any larval stage in its life cycle, then it is termed as direct development. In this case the adults give rise to young ones which directly develop into the adult, e.g., mammals.

(ii) Indirect development: In this type of development, the adult individual gives rise to eggs which develop into the adult after passing through several larval stages, e.g., echinoderms, cockroaches etc.

Q. What are the peculiar features that you find in parasitic Platyhelminthes?

Ans. The characteristic features of parasitic Platyhelminthes are:

(i) These are free living, parasitic forms.

(ii) They do not possess any special organs for respiration. Respiration is anaerobic.

(iii) They have specialised organs like hooks and suckers, for attachment to the host.

(iv) Specialised cells called flame cells are present for excretion.

Q. What are the reasons that you can think of for the arthropods to constitute the largest group of the animal kingdom?

Ans. Arthropods constitute the largest group of the animal kingdom. It is the most successful phylum on the earth that have ever existed. Reasons for this success of arthropods are as follows.

(i) They are equipped with Jointed appendages, which are variously adapted for walking, swimming, feeding and defence.

(ii) The exoskeleton in Arthropods is made of chitin which being very hard, protects the their body. It also reduces water loss from the body of arthropods thereby making them more adapted to terrestrial conditions.


[Source:- Jagranjosh]



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