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IBPS RRB VI prelims admit card/call letter: When, where and how to download

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will release the admit cards of RRBs officers Scale I preliminary examination 2017 this month.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) will release the admit cards of officers Scale I preliminary examination 2017 for recruitment in participating regional rural banks (RRBs) this month. As a few days are left in the month of August, the admit cards are expected to be uploaded on the official website within a few days.

The online preliminary examination for officer scale I will be held on September 9, September 10 and September 16, 2017 (if required).

According to the recruitment advertisement for the exam, the admit cards for IBPS Office Assistant preliminary examination will be released in September. However, as the Office Assistant prelims dates are September 17 and 23 and September 24 (if required), we can expect the admit cards to be out in the first 10 days of September.

The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has already issued the pre-exam training call letters for CRP RRBs-VI officers scale I and CRP RRBs-VI office assistants (multipurpose) in participating regional rural banks (RRBs) on its official website. The pre-exam training for officers scale 1 will be held between August 28 and September 3, while that for office assistants it will be held between September 4 to September 9.

Steps to download the call letter/admit card for Officer Scale I exam (after they are released):

1) Go to official website of IBPS

2) Click on the link to download call letter (admit card) for CRP RRBs-VI officers scale I running on the top of the page

3) You will be directed to the login page

4) Enter your registration no and password

5) Enter the captcha code

6) Click on login and your admit card will be displayed on the screen

7) Take a print-out and save it on your computer

No hard copy of admit card will be sent to the candidates.

Preliminary exam pattern:

The preliminary examination will be of 45-minute duration, with two sections carrying 80 marks for 80 questions.

For officer scale I there will be 40 questions of reasoning and 40 questions of quantitative aptitude while for office assistant there will be 40 questions of reasoning and 40 questions of numerical ability. The medium of exam will be Hindi/English.

To be successful (for both posts), one needs to qualify in both the tests by securing a minimum cut-off marks set by the IBPS.




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